
Weird=Normal and Other True Stories is a compilation of my day-to-day dealings with the public. Every moment of my life has the opportunity to become a full-on exaggeration of "Really, that just happened?" and other crazy, yet perfectly normal facets of everyday life. My goal is to entertain you, and to provide you with stories (and moments) that you are able to relate to. Trust me, the weirder it seems, the more normal you (and I) are...

I hope you enjoy!

-Freeway Fairington

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Fat Smack + Starfish = B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L

I've recently accepted the fact that I'm at an age where high metabolism and a fit body no longer come naturally.  I can't say that I'm happy with this acceptance, but hey, at least I'm being realistic.  I'm not overweight by any means, but I definitely have a fat back and a little more pudge on my stomach than I'd like.  Abs?  What abs?  Exactly.

After much deliberation (and too many clothes that just don't fit the way they should anymore), I decided to invest more money into personal training.  That's right-I am actually paying someone to punish me on a regular basis.  We've already established the fact that I'm slightly crazy in my last blog, so this really shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone.  The first time around that I did this, I didn't lose much weight, but I certainly toned up and firmed up areas that have probably never been firm before in my life.  I enjoyed the results, but hated the whole having to work out thing.  I mean, I'm not going to lie.  Paying someone who looks like a supermodel to repeatedly kick your butt a minimum of three times a week can be a little demeaning.  But, at least she pretends to be nice.  And, she's always encouraging.  (Yes, I know, it's her job...I like to think I'm special though.)

So, back to Operation Weight Loss/Get Fit 2011.  After much deliberation on my part on whether a) I could afford this, b) If it was worth it, and c) I could commit to working out without killing myself, I went ahead and purchased 30 sessions.  See, I have an upcoming trip to Barbados in December that's been paid for since last May.  It would really be in my best interest to be able to wear the cute bathing suits and clothing items that I already purchased over the summer for this trip then to go out and buy more clothes.  And I won't even pretend that self-esteem doesn't matter, because unfortunately, it does.

Not only have I agreed to give up the following vices: eating out, drinking, and allowing laziness to get the best of me, I have also begun a nutritional ritual that is leaving me hyper and weight-loss crazed.  In a good way, I must add.  It started with me purchasing a diet aid called Fat Smack (which is exactly what my love handles and semi-pregnant belly need), and severely cutting back calories.  1200 calories per day is do-able, right?

Next, comes the exercise part.  While my sessions with my trainer are only 30 minutes long, I feel like I've been run over by a semi-truck multiple times at the end of our workouts.  I mean, seriously, something as innocent sounding as "Starfish" is an exercise that not only makes me feel like a baby without legs or arms, but it kicks some serious ab butt.  And most certainly has to be entertaining for the unsuspecting bystander to watch.  I almost think that these exercises are thought up by trainers who are feeling especially cruel, or maybe it's what they do when they drink (and then purge after) on the weekends.  Sorry, lame joke.

Regardless, I've already lost 3 pounds.  I'll thank the Fat Smack and Starfish for that.  Pretty soon, I'm hoping that there won't be any awkward spaces between the letters that spell beautiful.  I'll update you on my progress before I leave for Barbados...either that, or I'll post a nice, fat picture of myself smacking my fat in the Starfish positon.  Yeah, I'm nice like that.  Enjoy the mental picture!

Sore in muscles I never knew I had,
Freeway Fairington

PS-In all seriousness, if you're looking for a great personal trainer, call my girl Jana at Anytime Fitness in Crabapple at the corner of Rucker Rd. and Hwy. 140.  She is the absolute BEST!

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