
Weird=Normal and Other True Stories is a compilation of my day-to-day dealings with the public. Every moment of my life has the opportunity to become a full-on exaggeration of "Really, that just happened?" and other crazy, yet perfectly normal facets of everyday life. My goal is to entertain you, and to provide you with stories (and moments) that you are able to relate to. Trust me, the weirder it seems, the more normal you (and I) are...

I hope you enjoy!

-Freeway Fairington

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Rat and the Mouse

I have worked for many difficult people in my lifetime.  As I recall, one of my first jobs was at a restaurant.  I attempted to quit 4 times, but each time was sat down by the manager (whom I despised at the time) for what I deemed "Freeway Interventions".  During these "interventions", I would be sat down by two or more managers and pretty much begged to stay.  They had never encountered a sixteen year old with a work ethic like mine, and not only did they want for me to continue working there, they always wanted for me to work harder.

I stayed at that restaurant for a total of three years before moving on.  I went on to manage a shoe store, a tanning salon, and a drugstore.  I even did a brief office stint in between my retail management jobs (it totally sucked).  At each place, I worked for equally difficult and/or anal bosses-almost always men.  While it was annoying to me, it was easy to figure them out and do what I needed to do in order to get my job done.  Hey, I wasn't married to them, so what did I care that they were all a little off?  Their poor wives and girlfriends...

Then I found what I thought was going to be the perfect job.  I was 23, and apparently, still naive.  My boss was an older female who was on the brink of retiring at any moment.  She was crazy.  Crazy nice when she wanted to be (think beers after work, shopping trips during lunch, etc.), and crazy mean more often than not (think office gossiper, blunt mouth with no filter...).  Regardless, I got her.  We definitely had a huge age gap between the two of us, but I learned a lot from her.  I didn't necessarily always like or respect her, but I didn't mind her.  I believe she felt the same way of me.

Times changed, like they always do, and my boss left.  I came to work under a new boss.  Another female.  At first, I thought that this was going to be a good change; however, it turned into a never-ending nightmare.  This boss was the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde type.  To us, she was a mouse-hell, she even looked like one.  Quiet, kept to herself, always staying in her little hole until she needed to surface for a cigarette or one of her many "important" meetings.

In reality, this woman was a rat.  She was not meek, nor honestly quiet.  She was always looking for a way to find the wrong in every situation-even in situations where there was none.  She took credit for ideas and projects that were not her own, and made sure to sell out everyone beneath her while doing the same to those at the same level as her.  However, in communication with those who were her subordinates, she played the Mouse card.

I found this sad, because the woman was extremely smart and had moments where you could see that she was not really either the Mouse or the Rat.  I'm sure there was some event, some Corporate twist, that made her become who she is.  Regardless, I did not like the woman.  And I must say, it wasn't because she was a woman (although, I'll admit men are much easier to work for), it was because I found her to be extremely fake...hence, the Mouse personality.  In all honesty, she worked hard to find reasons to dislike me and force me out of my once "perfect" job.  Eventually, my position was found as unnecessary, and I was let go.  (SN:  Best day of my working life!)

I didn't dwell much on this dual-personality woman after my departure from said job.  I'd much rather work for someone who is a Rat at all times, then one who tries to switch back and forth and play the Mouse card.  Maybe this is why I prefer to work for men.

I now work for two great men.  And what makes it even better is that I am pretty much the only female, and I only have to see them a few times a week for a short period of time.  They have wives and families (something that the Rat did not) and are not concerned with petty things, such as people's flaws and shortcomings (yes, we all have them...even you, Rat).  Now, as far as personalities go, I could add in here the things I find humorous currently, but won't...

Never burn your bridges.

And to you, Rat:  Karma is a motherf*cker!

Freeway Fairington

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